Concerned About Ebola?

Looking for CDC Recomended Ebola Disinfectants?

Ebola strain

We understand that you and your staff have concerns regarding Ebola. At Quip Laboratories, we pride ourselves on creating products that alleviate facility hygiene concerns and put you, and your staff, at ease. That’s why we’d like to assure our customers that that we provide CDC Ebola recommended products like  MB-10® Tablets and The Halo Disinfection System™ to keep your facility safe from the virus.

MB-10 Tablets

MB-10 Tablets are the most convenient way yet to deliver the benefits of chlorine dioxide to your facility hygiene and biosafety program.  Simply drop this effervescent tablet into a pint, quart, or gallon of water and,  within minutes, the tablet dissolves into a  safe, stable, multi-functional surface disinfectant and sterilant solution. MB-10 has been added to the CDC list of approved virucidal disinfectant for use against the Ebola Virus.

Halo Disinfection System

The Halo Disinfection System provides a unique way to perform supplemental surface disinfection within a sealed room by dispensing an aerosolized dry-mist of HaloMist™ Disinfectant from the HaloFogger™ throughout a room to reach into nooks, crevices and corners that other disinfecting methods may neglect.

The Halo Disinfection System meets the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Hospitals for Ebola Virus.

More concerns about the virus? Fill out the form below and we’ll be more than happy to address them. 

Want to know more about how Quip Laboratories can prepare you for the Ebola Virus?

Fill out the following form to download our Ebola Preparedness Cut Sheet.

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Remember: Quip makes it safe. Simply and Sensibly.