Materials Compatibility Benefit of MB-10 Tablets
Sensible Science Paper: Materials Compatibility Benefit of MB-10 Tablet Solution
Executive Summary
Executive Summary:
- Compare the materials compatibility of type 304 stainless steel with three chemicals:
- 200 PPM of free chlorine dioxide from Quip MB-10TM tablets
- 600 PPM of acid-activated sodium chlorite solution
- 0.525% (5250 ppm) solution of sodium hypochlorite (bleach diluted 1:9 with water)
- Results: Chlorine dioxide solutions (MB-10 tablets and acid-activated sodium chlorite) are highly compatible, causing minimal corrosion compared to sodium hypochlorite (bleach)
- Conclusion: MB-10 tablets exhibit slightly lower weight loss than acid-activated sodium chlorite
- Test procedure: Immersed stainless steel coupons in each solution for 14 days, observed superficial staining but no dimensional changes
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