
Finding the Right Product for You is Easy with Our Product Filter

About Our Product Filter

Finding a new product or service to address an area need in your facility can be a serious headache. Diving into detailed product listings, scanning efficacy claims, and searching for active ingredients can feel like you’re totally swimming in options. At Quip Labs, we understand that when addressing a specific need, you want answers fast, simply and sensibly, whatever your industry. That’s why we’d like to take a moment to introduce our website’s simple and easy-to-use Product Filter page. This feature allows you to use Quip Lab’s website to filter through our many products and application offerings to find the right one for you and your facility with just a few simple clicks.

Finding the Product Filter

From the top of the page, start by navigating to the left side, finding the box marked “Product Filter” (on mobile devices, you will find the Product Filter menu box by scrolling to the bottom of the page). This is where the magic happens. Start by simply clicking any one of the drop-down menus buttons. From here, you will see an extended set of attributes to fit you and your facility’s needs. Once selected, the page will refresh to reflect the product offerings that fit your selections. You can even select multiple attributes at once to be sure that your search matches with the best result.