How Corrosive is your Chlorine Dioxide disinfectant?

We get a lot of questions regarding the differences between our MB-10 Tablets and older chlorine dioxide or pure chlorine technologies. That’s why we’ve created this handy infographic which explains the differences in corrosivity when dealing with different chlorine dioxide-based disinfectants. 

How Corrosive is your Chlorine Dioxide disinfectant? The primary take away that you should get from the infographic is that older “chlorine dioxide” biocides based on acidified sodium chlorite (such as Clidox and Alcide Exspor) have a very acidic pH used for their activation which,  combined with the moderately high level of chlorite and chloride salts in solution, creates an extremely corrosive disinfectant.

This combination not only creates corrosion while the biocide is active on the surface, but also creates corrosion from dried surface residue salts that were in the solution and which dried after evaporation of water from the surface.

Such salts may be the biocide itself (as with sodium hypochlorite, or bleach), they may be precursors to the biocide (such as unreacted sodium chlorite which has been only partially converted to chlorine dioxide), or they may be inert salts in the solution for other reasons (the worst inerts being chloride salts, such as sodium chloride).

True chlorine dioxide, like that released by our MB-10 Tablets, is a dissolved gas and does not leave any surface residue as it vaporizes when the liquid film evaporates. You can learn more about the corrosivity of our MB-10 Tablets, as well as the corrosivity of some other tablets used in your industries by checking out our Chlorine Dioxide and Corrosion Infographic, available below.

To Get The Infographic, Click Here.