
Aqueo Alkaline | Aquatic Research Cleaner

Finally, Cage Wash Cleaners Made Specifically for Aquatics Research

Aquatic research is a vital field that contributes to the advancement of science and medicine. However, it also poses unique challenges, such as maintaining the cleanliness and quality of the aquatic caging. Conventional cage wash chemistries aren’t suitable for aquatic caging, as they can leave harmful residues that can affect the health and development of the aquatic models, and compromise the integrity of the research.

That’s why we’ve developed the Aqueo Aquatic Cage Wash System, a comprehensive and innovative solution that is specially designed for aquatics caging. This system consists of three chemistries – Aqueo Alkaline, Aqueo OX, and Aqueo Acid-C – that are formulated to meet the specific needs of aquatic research.

What is Aqueo Alkaline?

Aqueo Alkaline is a powerful and effective detergent that can remove algae, biofilm, and organic residues from your aquatic caging. It is a Potassium-Hydroxide based cleaner that can be used without manual scrubbing or pre-treatment.

Aqueo Alkaline is free of phosphates and active chlorine, which can harm aquatic life. It is non-toxic to aquatic organisms and can be easily neutralized with our Aqueo Acid Chemistry.

Aqueo Alkaline not only cleans your aquatic caging, but also ensures the safety and well-being of your aquatic models. It is compatible with a variety of aquaculture caging, such as tanks, aquaculture tanks, net pens, sea cages, and submerged cages.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Aqueo Alkaline work?

Aqueo Alkaline works by breaking down the organic matter and biofilm that accumulate on the aquatic caging. It has a high pH level that can dissolve the dirt and stains, and loosen the adhesion of biofilm.

Aqueo Alkaline also has a low foaming action that can reduce the amount of water and time needed for rinsing. It can be easily applied with an automatic washer or a spray nozzle, depending on the type and size of the caging.

What are the benefits of using Aqueo Alkaline?

Aqueo Alkaline is the ultimate solution for your aquatic caging, because it offers the following benefits:

  • It removes algae, biofilm, and organic residues on animal housing, without the need for manual scrubbing or pre-treatment.
  • It is free of phosphates and active chlorine, which can harm aquatic life.
  • It is non-toxic to aquatic organisms, and can be easily neutralized with our Aqueo Acid Chemistry.
  • It is compatible with a variety of aquaculture caging, such as tanks, net pens, sea cages, and submerged cages.
  • It is part of the Aqueo Aquatic Cage Wash System, which is easy to use and makes cleaning aquatics caging similar to cleaning any other vivarium caging.

How do I dose the Aqueo Aquatic Wash System?

The Aqueo Aquatic Wash System makes cleaning aquatics caging similar to cleaning any other vivarium caging. First our experienced technicians will set up a carefully calibrated dosing controller, as well as lines from your holding tanks to your automatic washers. Then we will program the controller based on your needs, and provide you with the tools you’ll need to assess dosing. After that, we will perform assessments of your chemical, ATP results, and water usage to ensure that you’re hitting the goals for your cage wash program.

The wash cycle will consist of the following:

  • Aqueo Alkaline – This removes algae, biofilm, and organic residues. Aqueo Alkaline is a Potassium-Hydroxide based cleaner that can be used without manual scrubbing or pre-treatment.
  • Aqueo OX – This will be dosed next, and help remove tough, stuck-on soils and stains. Aqueo OX is a hydrogen peroxide-based cleaner that can also reduce microbial load and break down organic matter.
  • Aqueo Acid-C – Finally we dose the acid neutralizer to the aquatic caging to neutralize any remaining Aqueo Alkaline. Aqueo Acid-C is a Citric-acid based cleaner that can also prevent mineral deposits and corrosion.

Where can I buy the Aqueo Aquatic Wash System?

You can buy the Aqueo Aquatic Wash System from Quip Labs, your partner for achieving and maintaining biosafety. You can contact us today by calling toll free (800) 424-2436 or filling out the form below.

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Aqueo | OX

Aqueo OX: The Oxidizer of the Aqueo System

The Aqueo System is a comprehensive way to clean your aquatic caging. And one of the key components of this system is Aqueo OX, an oxidizer that is specially designed for aquatic caging.

Aqueo OX is a hydrogen peroxide-based cleaner that can:

  • • Clean your aquatic caging by breaking down organic matter and reducing microbial load
  • • Remove tough, stuck-on soils and stains from your aquatic caging
  • • Work with our three-part Aqueo Aquatic Wash system for optimal cleaning results

It is also safe and extremely effective, as hydrogen peroxide is non-toxic to aquatic organisms and breaks down into water and oxygen.

With Aqueo OX, you can ensure that your aquatic caging is clean and spotless, and that your aquatic research is reliable and accurate.

Aqueo | Acid-C

Aqueo Acid-C: The Neutralizer of the Aqueo System

The Aqueo System is a comprehensive way to clean your aquatic caging. And the final component of this system is Aqueo Acid-C, a neutralizer that is specially designed for aquatic caging.

Aqueo Acid-C is a Citric-acid based cleaner that can:

  • • Neutralize Aqueo Alkaline
  • • Rinse off any remaining residues or soils from your aquatic caging
  • • Break down remaining mineral deposits and aid in a clean rinse
  • • Work with our three-part Aqueo Aquatic Wash system for optimal cleaning results

It is also free of phosphates and active chlorine, which can harm aquatic life.

With Aqueo Acid-C, you can ensure that your aquatic caging is clean and balanced, and that your aquatic research is reliable and accurate.•

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